Monday, May 16, 2011

Something NEW in the Market, Try It Out

This post is so not about fashion. 

I am starting a new segment here in my blog. 
I am exploiting the opportunity of having an avenue to speak about products which I believe in and would love to let the public know how these products may have affected my life and maybe theirs too.
The first set of products that I am disclosing are SOMETHING"S" that I happen to depend to at times of physical uneasiness.  These are "somethings" that we put on our skin to help us feel and achieve the relief that we have been needing to alleviate all body discomforts without popping a pill.  These substances are technically called liniments and ointments and generally are pharmacologically classified as counterirritants. 

With out so much blah, blah, blah... introducing, the newbies in the market...

1.) Omega Pain Killer Liniment - PRO, as endorsed by Paul Jake Castillo.  This is a new variant of the Omega line.  This is really new in the sense that its color is so totally cooling to the sight as it comes in refreshing light blue with a perfect cool scent.  And of course it still delivers the effect that every user is expecting.

2.) Efficascent Ointment - this is the solidified version of the famous Efficascent Oil.  It's a very good innovation since it makes the brand not just a household commodity but a travel companion as well.  Its ointment form makes it too handy to carry and use all day, anywhere, anytime. 

3.) Efficascent Oil - Extreme, simply wow.  Why? Because most people who are avid users of liniments do complain about the objectionable after-smell of liniments.  They do want to use the liniment for relief of pains but they cannot sacrifice the thought of having to smell like their grandmothers.  And, they worry about getting stained too since the other Efficascent Oil variants are tainted in green.  Glad, all worries are erased with the birth of this new variant  It is indeed EXTREME as to its effect, but its color is soo subdued, so crystal clear. Plus, it is blended with a fragrance that leaves the skin sweetly scented.  Do I have to ask for more? 

What is more interesting with these products is that it is locally manufactured here in Cebu.

Do search in the groceries, pharmacies or your neighborhood sari-sari stores for these new items and experience the blissful comforts each new product brings.

Visit here and here for more information about their other products.

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